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Pathology of Syringofibroadenoma
Eccrine syringofibroadenoma is a rare eccrine tumour first described by Mascaro in 1963. Clinical presentation: Solitary, often large nodular lesion. These are most often found in middle-aged and elderly patients. Site: Usually located on the extremities and rarely on the face.
Multiple (palmoplantar) Eccrine syringofibroadenomas are a new cutaneous marker of the Schopf syndrome - (hidrocystomas of the eyelid, hypotrichosis- less than normal amount of hair on the head or body, hypodontia- fewer than the normal number of teeth, and nail abnormalities). Reactive Eccrine Syringofibroadenomatosis - May occur next to various condition. Example- Inflammatory dermatosis, bullous pemphigus, palmoplantar erosive lichen planus and chronic diabetic foot ulcers.
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