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Dermpath-India Pathology of Pilomatrixoma Dr Sampurna Roy MD 2022
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Syn: Pilomatricoma ; Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe Pilomatrixoma is a very common benign adnexal tumour with matrical differentiation. Both ultrastructurally and histochemically these are similar to hair matrix. Most cases are associated with beta-catenin gene mutations. Clinical presentation: Solitary and rarely multiple rubbery nodules (usually 5mm to 2cm in diameter). The tumour usually occurs in the first two decades of life. Often diagnosed as epidermoid/pilar cysts. May be associated with Gardner's syndrome or myotonic dystrophy. Usually multiple lesions are present. Site:
Located on the head, neck or
forehead .
Proliferating Pilomatrixoma: A distinctive proliferative variant of pilomatrixoma ; This is a relatively large lesion in the dermis which sometimes extend to the subcutis ; Microscopic features: Composed of lobular proliferation of basaloid cells in association with adjacent focal areas containing eosinophilic, cornified material with shadow cells ; In some cases there are relatively large areas of shadow cells whereas, in others there are only small foci of shadows cells ; Basaloid cells show variable nuclear atypia and mitotic figures ; Architectural pattern of the neoplasms is different from that of a large fully developed pilomatrixoma with a cystic character and basaloid cells predominantly aligned at the periphery. Differential
diagnosis: Matricoma, basal-cell carcinoma with matrical
differentiation, and matrical carcinoma (pilomatrical carcinoma).
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