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Pathology of Myopericytoma

Dr Sampurna Roy MD        2022       



Myopericytoma include a range of lesions displaying features ranging from myofibromatosis to those resembling glomus tumour with hemangiopericytoma-like blood vessels.

Microscopic features:

The tumour exhibits biphasic pattern characterized by primitive spindle cell with hemangiopericytoma-like vascular pattern and fascicles of spindle cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm, resembling smooth muscle.

The tumour cells are actin positive.


Further reading

Myopericytoma of skin and soft tissues: clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 54 cases

Renal myopericytoma: A case report with a literature review.

Myopericytoma of the thoracic spine: a case report and review of literature.

Management of multicentric myopericytoma in the maxillofacial region: a case report.

Myopericytoma of the external auditory canal and tragus.

Myopericytoma of the facial cheek.

Multiple myopericytoma of the face and parotid gland.

Primary Malignant Myopericytoma of the Left Atrium-A Tumor of Aggressive Biological Behavior: Report of the First Case and Review of Literature.

Ultrastructure of myopericytoma: a continuum of transitional phenotypes of myopericytes.

Malignant myopericytoma: expanding the spectrum of tumours with myopericytic differentiation.






Dr Sampurna Roy  MD

Consultant  Histopathologist (Kolkata - India)

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