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Dermpath-India Pathology of Deep Penetrating Nevus "A benign pigmented tumour which should not be mistaken for melanoma". |
Deep penetrating nevus is a distinct form of melanocytic nevus and may mimic various pigmented lesions. This lesion has distinct microscopic features which helps in excluding melanoma and establishing the correct diagnosis. Clinically, the lesion usually occurs on the head and neck region and presents as darkly pigmented papule or nodule. Many authors regard this lesion as a variant of blue nevus.
The most important differential diagnosis is Melanoma. The following features helps in
establishing the diagnosis: 2. In deep penetrating nevus there is no pagetoid intraepidermal spread. 3. There is no irregular epidermal acanthosis or thinning. 4. No irregular fibroinflammatory dermal response is seen in deep penetrating nevus. 5. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is present in scattered melanocytes (less than 5%) in the deep penetrating nevus. In melanoma 25%-75% cells show immunopositivity with PCNA. The differential diagnosis also include Spitz nevus ; congenital melanocytic nevus. Dermatopathology Quiz Case 137
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